
i know this situation,

for I have been here before.

charming man with a killer smile and an expiration date

perfect for me to scoop up

& impossible to keep in my hands

like warm sand on a cold beach

he speaks my first tongue

and I master it for him

ojos oscuros, cabello castaño, y unos labios

besándome, que me llevan…

in a trance I willingly

dive in, foolishly

I am immersed, seduced

deeper and even more

unconcerned, not thinking

that I may end up having a hard time

coming up for air,

without fear.

i recognize, as the pressure hits my head

the deeper i go, the dangerous it gets

and the more beautiful too.






what would it feel like to hold you in my arms again?

what will you smell like when you are older?

where can I find eyes like yours?

who can ever smile the way you smiled at me?

and how can I know that for a brief moment you loved me too?